







请问 国窖1573的广告曲名是什么?

请问 国窖1573的广告曲名是什么?

Adiemus 的 Songs of sanctuary 专集里面第一首歌 http://www.lzljlxs.com.cn/PHOTO/1573.mp3


你是说《泸州老窖—国窖1573 》广告?



歌曲介绍:全文为日语。先由类似笛子的悠扬造势,一声大鼓后收音干脆利落,起曲由女声缓缓起势,仿佛不食烟火的仙女从遥远的天际慢慢飘来,像一支温柔的手,拂过你的胸膛,每听曲首女音,身体总会有轻微的颤抖,一股暖流从心脏涌出,瞬间走遍全身。中曲由男声拨高,像远古的少数民族在发出最为彻底的嘶喊,闻之震撼。尾曲再以女声收敛,引人忧伤回已无数。 全曲以女声为主,惯穿全曲,以男声为辅,带动高潮。中有笛、鼓、箫,振铃,和其它我未能道出的各种乐器穿插,歌曲起伏鲜明,动静结合,柔处似水,激处如雷,细节处理完羡,堪称名曲。


国窖1573 在南非世界杯期间的英文广告曲是什么!


The Cup Of Life Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) (Music) Go, go, go (Go, go, go) Ale, ale, ale (Ale, ale, ale) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Go (Go) Here we go! The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don’t ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go!! Ale, ale, ale Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale La vida es Competicion Hay que sor Ser campeon La copa es La bendicion La ganaras Go go go And when you feel the heat, The world is at your feet. No one can hold you down If you really want it! Just steal your destiny Right from the hands of fate. Reach for the cup of life ‘Cause your name is on it! Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Tu y yo, Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, gol! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight’s the night! We’re gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? Gotta go and get it. Do you really want it? (Yeah!) The cup of life, This is the one. Now is the time, Don’t ever stop. Push it along, Gotta be strong, Push it along, Right to the top. Como Cain y Abel Es un partido cruel Tienes que pelear por una estrella Consigue con honor La copa del amor Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (SI!) Luchar por ella (Yeah!) Do you really want it? (Yeah!) Here we go! Ale, ale, ale! Go, go, goal! Ale, ale, ale! Tonight’s the night! We’re gonna celebrate! The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale! Un, dos, tres! Ole, ole, ole! Un, deux, trois! Ale, ale, ale! Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie Go, go, gol!! Ale, ale, ale! Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale (Ale, ale) Ale, ale, ale! YA~~~~!!!^^


Celtic的音乐网上有很多的.推荐一个论坛,上面"美声仙音"版块有很多同类的音乐,应该有你要找的.论坛里搜索,可以用关键字"爱尔兰""风笛""Celtic""凯尔特""居尔特" 清风音乐论坛: http://bbs.breezecn.com/



国窖酒广告歌曲是什么? 名字确实不知道


Adiemus LZ望采纳谢谢


记得最先是在星空卫视上看到的这则广告` ZCMw3]* 当时就喜欢上了` 0fb2;&pUa 一直想找它的背景音乐 ky R:[+je 在网上找了好久 有一种说法是说广告背景音乐是从班德瑞的Adiemus 提取音乐进行加工的 &47i"% 具体我也搞不清楚 | k&Ck 今天在这里把广告音乐和Adiemus 都发给大家欣赏吧 >N^Jj:~l u@Ih GME adiemus为凯尔真金斯的专辑,后被班得瑞改编据凯尔真金斯说adiemus是他创造的一个词,但是后来发现拉丁文里还真有这么一个词,是“我们将靠近(we will draw near)”的意思 N]>=p.#j Adiemus 歌曲 z`.