
钢铁之心乐队,钢铁之心乐队shes gone



主唱:Michael Matijevic 唱过的歌:SHE’S GONE 嘿嘿.张静涵..






由主唱Michael Matijevic, 吉他手Chris Risola, 贝司James Ward和鼓手Frank Dicostanzo组成

Steelheart 乐队介绍给我


Steelheart是一只1990年在美国康涅狄格Norwalk成立的重金属乐队 20世际80年代是金属月最鼎盛的时期,在西方的每个国家里都几乎出现了或多或少的乐队,这种音乐也溶入人们的生活,所以这个年代涌现出的很多的世界级大牌乐队,像BON JOVI,DEF LEPPARD,GUN N ROSE,GREAT WHITE等等等等,但到了92年,以NIRVANA为首的美国西雅图垃圾摇滚之风疯狂的占领了美国以及全世界的摇滚乐坛,很多大牌的金属乐队虽不再那样的被人提起,但还是拥有一大部分铁杆乐迷,所以销量一直可以保持在一个固定的数字上,但一些刚刚成立的POP METAL乐队,却受到这股垃圾之风的极大影响,所以一些技术和意识优秀甚至有所超过前辈的乐队却没有得到更好的发展

Alive In Wild Paint 乐队的介绍 越详细越好




Travis Bryant · vocals/guitar

Matt Grabe · guitar/piano

David Roat · bass

Austin Wilson · drums



Alive in Wild Paint’s debut, Ceilings, brings together members of Goodbye Tomorrow and short lived Terminal (Other members of Terminal formed Oh, Sleeper), and is a much anticipated debut produced by Mark Trombino (most notably known for producing Jimmy Eat World’s masterpiece, Clarity). There has been a lot of anticipation and hype for Ceilings. Does it deliver? Hell yes. But, it will take a little patience on your part.

First of all, I wasn’t expecting such a laid back album. Maybe that’s an unfair expectation, but because of this expectation, the first listen was a bit rough for me. I was waiting for it to kick in, and by the 7th track (Sleep With Your Soul In) we do get a little dose of rock. But, this is not a rock album. So, drop that from your expectations and let Ceilings sink in. (Although if your familiar with Terminal and Goodbye Tomorrow, this is a natural progression.)

Now that I had my first listen over and done with, I had to immediately listen a second time. Alive in Wild Paint have created an album of such intricacy that, like a good movie, needs to be appreciated over numerous visits. This is not made for fast consumption. Alive in Wild Paint’s four members (frontman Travis Bryant, guitarist Matt Grabe, bassist David Roat, and drummer Austin Wilson) have taken the time and care to create numerous layers to each song and to this album. Travis Bryant’s vocal are delicate and soothing, nothing is strained or rushed. Each song takes it’s time and envelopes the listener in beautiful intricate melodies that, if given the right amount of time, will mold themselves permanently into your skull.

While not an immediately accessible album, Ceilings is an album that you need to take your time with. I’m not sure if today’s mainstream culture has the patience for Alive in Wild Paint. We live in such a fast-food society when it comes to our entertainment, that I fear people may not get this album right away. I really hope I’m wrong, because Alive in Wild Paint’s debut is a moving and brilliant piece of work.

Stand Out Tracks:


“Sleep With Your Soul In”

“Cold Spell” –IndieUprising.net


Alive in Wild Paint’s debut has been eagerly anticipated for months now, especially considering that the band wowed fans back when they were called Goodbye Tomorrow. Having put out a three song EP that stood out thanks to its tight melodies and harmonic vocals, the band regrouped and changed their name and are now back with their debut album Ceilings. The result is some of the best down tempo indie rock in quite some time.

The vocals are extremely melodic, as one might expect from former Terminal vocalist Travis Bryant. Bryant’s voice is warm and inviting, filled with melody that bridges gaps in between the instrumental arrangements. But at the same time, though his voice is higher pitched it is done in a beautiful rather than whiny way meaning that just about anyone should be able to get into Alive in Wild Paint’s music. In addition to this, the lyrics are surprisingly insightful and true to life. Listen to a song such as “Children of Divorce” and it will be easy to see that this is a group with deeper messages than many of their genre mates.

Though sometimes album that stay minimalist and down tempo can become boring, Ceilings doesn’t suffer from this problem. Many of its tracks start with just guitar work and slowly build into light indie rock songs. The instrumentalists have a knack for creating compositions that start off with just one or two instruments and climax with layered textures of sound that could rival many groups. If “Carousel” was the group’s best work as Goodbye Tomorrow, as Alive in Wild Paint they have produced an album of Carousel’s, with just about every track able to stand on its own.

I predicted great things for this band when they released their three song EP back in 2006. And though they’ve been through a name change and a minor lineup change, this prediction holds true. Ceilings is one of the first great indie rock releases of 2008, and hopefully this band will find the audience they’ve been waiting for with this exciting debut. –CosmosGaming.com

Product Description

In fusing together transplants of Terminal and Goodbye Tomorrow, Alive In Wild Paint’s four members (frontman Travis Bryant, guitarist Matt Grabe, bassist David Roat, and drummer Austin Wilson) are certainly no strangers to the music industry. And while you might think this could grant carte blanche access to success in the biz, the band has faced plenty of adversity on the way to release their Equal Vision debut, Ceilings. Whether it be roster shuffles, release date backpedaling, or even van theft, the guys still seem to have somehow come out stronger on the other side. “We’re at a very good place, both musically and in our relationships with each other,” says Roat. Through it all, the collective’s strong work ethic and perseverance has prevailed, as David reminds us all, “You have to look at the big picture though, and have faith that your hard work and creativity will have some reward in the end.”

So alas, while the turbulence leading up to the unveiling of Ceilings might lend itself to a natural sort of anger or bitter undertone in the band’s music, Alive In Wild Paint instead so coolly convey a disarming sort of tranquility. Centering around Bryant’s breathy, angelic croon, the band weaves together a set of calming expressions that are the perfect tonic to relieve the stresses of everyday life. Whether it be in the dancing pizzicato of the record’s title track, the subtle, minimalist instrumentation on “Traffic, or the haunting piano balladry of “Forecasting,” Alive In Wild Paint skillfully prove they have a handle on the softer side of things. However, it is just as plain to see that the collective is far from a one-trick pony. Discussing the work as a whole, Roat explains, “Ceilings is a very diverse record, and I think that’s a big highlight of the album. It showcases our ability to demonstrate different sides of our songwriting.” And this is exceedingly evident in kind – the lush drama of “Crystal Selves,” the driving rock pulse of “Sleep With Your Soul In,” the sweeping majesty of the re-imagined “A Vespertine Haunting,” or a host of others. The end result is a record that is varied, yet cohesive – indeed the best of both worlds.

* Produced by Mark Trombino (Jimmy Eat World, Mineral, Rilo Kiley)

* Mixed by Michael Barbiero (Counting Crows, Maroon 5, Guns N Roses)

* Features former members of Terminal (Tooth & Nail Records) and Goodbye Tomorrow (Equal Vision Records)



和官网(虽然没什么资料,但上面写着coming soon,相信不久后就会有他们的介绍):





从字面上直译是,钢铁的心. 其实是一个乐队的名字,叫钢心乐队 是一只1990年在美国康涅狄格Norwalk成立的重金属乐队.

谁有the sign feat snoeti这个乐队的资料

the sign是个超级组合,成员来自各大乐队 Mark Mangold (Drive 乐队), Randy Jackson (Zebra乐队), Terry Brock (Strangeways乐队), Billy Greer (Kansas乐队) ,Bobby Rondinelli (Rainbow & Black Sabbath).而 feat是 featuring的意思,也就是乐队the sign和snoeti合作演唱,但snoeti的资料找不到

著名摇滚乐队My Chemical Romance(MCR)是什么时候成立的?


Gerard Way (lead Vocals)

Ray Toro(Vocals/lead Guitar)

Frank Iero(vocal/rythem guitar)

Mikey Way(Bass),

Bob Bryar(drums).

乐队的名字来自Irvine Welsh的一本书,是BASS手Mikey找来的.Mikey也是Gerard的弟弟 [这哥俩长绝了~].乐队的成员都是来自新泽西的,除了鼓手BOB,他来自ILLINOIS.乐队始建于GERARD从艺术学校毕业后[他的画好有性格呀!~]. 为了帮助自己的哥哥Gerard,几乎不懂得怎么弹bass的Mikey也开始学习,并帮助组建了乐队.mcr签约了位于新泽西的独立唱片公司Eyeball Records.

充满摇滚冲劲与活力,并带着冷酷深沉情绪的新生代优质乐团 My Chemical Romance,已获 Spin 杂志赞誉:『2004年值得你去注意的耀眼新团』;AP 也不吝啬的标上『驶入主流大厂发行之首航 Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge,将是年度备受期待的专辑!』,AMG 网站也给予四星的肯定!这些令乐团振奋不已的正面好评,也一扫 My Chemical Romance 组团前一路崎岖坎坷之阴霾!

来自纽泽西州,自高中时期就是好友的主唱 Gerard Way 及 Matt Pelissier(鼓手),虽然对于音乐有着难以割舍的喜好,但是毕业之后,还是为了生活现实面,找寻一个正当长久的工作,几年过去,仍不忘情于音乐,两人相互沟通后决定展开组团创作计画,Gerard 邀约他所认识吉他弹的不赖的 Ray Toro 加入,便以三人型态维持数个月的音乐创作,与 Gerard 有血缘关系的 Mikey Way,自告奋勇的表白想成为该团贝斯手一职,接着他们四位被当地的独立厂牌相中,在 2002 年开始进行专辑筹备工作,此时他们再找来 Frank Iero 担任主奏吉他手,为乐曲作更完美的润饰!

不同于别的美国乐队,他们似乎多了份喧闹中却混杂着的忧郁,病态的沉着感。估计主唱比较喜欢哥特,可没能玩成。每首歌曲都有自己的特色,特别推荐的曲目:Helena,比较有感觉;Give ‘Em Hell, Kid ,听着竟然感觉很车库朋克,很久没听到那么爽的车库了,还是美国的,以前一直比较欣赏欧洲,澳洲的车库,但这首却确实让耳朵惊艳。

曾担任摇滚重装部队Sepultura、Motorhead、P.O.D.等团制作的Howard Benson前来全盘掌控,一股重量加速度的摇滚气流即将袭击而来,硬蕊的摇滚霸气、EMO的情绪狂噪、甚至金属的强烈穿透力…..都在My Chemical Romance全新大碟「Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge」中,毫不加以稍作掩饰的全然释放!旋律性强的”Helena”与先发抢滩摇滚榜Top13成功之作”I’m Not Okay (I Promise)”,结合EMO-Punk的不安气氛,渗入濒临崩溃边缘的声音表情,在爽快古点猛重敲击下,马上振奋稍嫌疲惫的身心;吉他飙奏转折下包裹咄咄逼人的情绪张力扩大至”To The End”、”Hang ‘Em High”等曲当中;交叠的急促嗓音加速”The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You”狂放过瘾的热血四窜;有著金属气息的”Thank You For The Venom”,是首让你听觉为之一开的超正点单曲,后段的顺畅旋律,增加此曲更好吸收的亲合度!全辑在无抒情歌曲的包装搭配下,彻底体验摇滚热力的震撼,让你情绪亢奋到末曲结束的最后一秒钟!

有人能介绍一下poets of fall这个乐队吗

The story of Poets of the Fall begins in 2002 in Helsinki, Finland, when singer Mark and guitarist Ollie, coming from differing musical backgrounds, started writing songs together. “We’d been jamming together in a group all year long, and we’d seen during that time that our styles meshed together nicely, so we started co-writing our songs.” Later on producer/musician Captain joined in all the fun and mayhem.

The name, Poets of the Fall, comes from the idea that two opposites form a whole, ie. there isn’t one without the other. “Poets” here represent the positive side and “the Fall” the negative. Of course, when you join these two concepts, the “Poets” starts to sound just a tad mischievious as well… depends, of course, on how you perceive “the Fall”. You might see it as a beautiful crisp season and the “Poets” are its insightful architects…

The story behind the song “Late Goodbye” in the computer game Max Payne 2, as told by Mark: “The guys from Remedy had heard our music before and asked us to write a song for the game. Happily we complied. Sam Lake sent me a poem he’d written some time ago, and said I could use whatever images the poem conjured up in my head, to write the lyrics. This was great since it really worked to inspire me. I sat on my kitchen floor that night, with my guitar, and wrote the song”.


1.Lift(Life Me Higher)


3.Late Goodbye

4.Don’t Mess With Me



7.Seek You Out


9.Everything Fades

10.Someone Special

11.Illusion and Dream



13.The Beautiful Ones

14.Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day

15.Lift (Dramadance Remix)

16.Late Goodbye (Instrumental)