

男女双人凳子舞 http://v.youku.com/v – show/id – XMTIyNTAxMDA0.html 有谁知道这个完整的视屏吗

男女双人凳子舞 http://v.youku.com/v - show/id - XMTIyNTAxMDA0.html 有谁知道这个完整的视屏吗

a better day 韩文版 演唱组合 JTL http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=a%20better%20day%20JTL 完整视频应该是没的了 不过已经是大部分,发挥想象补充完整吧!



《残酷舞台》下载地址:http://www.gougou.com/search?search=%E6%AE%8B%E9%85%B7%E8%88%9E%E5%8F%B0%E7%9C%9F%E5%AE%9E%E5%BD%95%20cd&restype=-1&id=10000001&ty=0&pattern=0 不过还是建议自己去买啊,给罗祥冲销量,\新专辑《潮男正传》也快发行了,支持下哈~

中班英文歌曲凳子 舞歌曲

中班英文歌曲凳子 舞歌曲

[ti:Without You (feat. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs)

Without You (feat. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs) (The Rebirth) – Dillon Francis

You can hold on if you want to

But you know I never let you go

Ain’t nobody there to talk to

Nobody’s a whole in this life

Only if you could see the bright side

Of waking up and being alone

If only you could see the future

It’s all yours now

Cause I know I’ll be higher without you now

Keeping up a life somehow

Oh you’ll be lighter without me girl

Feeling alright somehow

I’ll be higher without you now

Keeping up a life somehow

Oh you’ll be lighter without me girl

Feeling alright somehow

Cause I know I’ll be higher

Without you


On my own

You’ll be higher

Without me


On your own

Higher without you now

Keeping up a life somehow

Oh you’ll be lighter without me girl

Feeling alright somehow

I’ll be higher without you now

Keeping up a life somehow

Oh you’ll be lighter without me girl

Feeling alright somehow

Feeling alright somehow

Feeling alright somehow

You can hold on if you want to

But you know I never let you go

Ain’t nobody there to talk to

Nobody’s a whole in this life

Only if you could see the bright side

Of waking up and being alone

If only you could see the future

It’s all yours now




材料及制作: ●刺猬身体:取半个保丽龙球,用泡沫胶把它粘贴在方形纸板上. ●刺猬身上的刺:把两头尖的牙签从中间折断,尖头部分插入保丽龙球内.


就基本上就3种样子. 女孩子: 1、很普通的那种坐着的,很优雅那种. 2、酒吧里的那种,高脚凳,坐着人看起来很高挑清瘦,基本上大家都喜欢这款的. 3、垫子型的那种,比第一种更加优雅些,女孩子双腿靠在一起,像人物的右面倾斜. 男孩子: 1、比较普通的那种手撑着下巴那款. 2、高脚凳,像骑马那样子的,手撑着凳子的. 3、垫子的那种,这个看起来不好看的说,人一直在抖,身体前倾的,手放腿侧外. 基本上就是这样子吧!不然你自己去炫舞里面挑一些凳子,自己坐坐看好了. 对你有帮助吧!

凳子舞分解动作 没有舞蹈基础的 一定要每个动作都讲解清楚的 谢谢

那你可以学 sistar19-ma boy 或者 孙丹菲-疯了 这两首歌

请问这个凳子舞的音乐名字叫什么,这是地址http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/37767763 – 1338565372.html

Paula Abdul – My Love Is For Real http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/blMIK_dsiaY/( http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=My%20Love%20Is%20for%20Real


最佳dj-英文快摇酒吧动感舞曲 DJ温雨祥(DJ版)错了你打我.

我想知道这个凳子舞视频里的音乐叫什么名字? http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/MhjlsIHcrhI/

Janet Jackson – Get It Out Me 试听 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/ONva-iO2Kxo/