



歌名:Crazy frog 歌手: Axel F 类型:摇滚 ——————————鉴定完毕! 小TIP:你可以去百度找该歌曲的DJ版,谢谢



歌名:It’s Raining Men 歌手:Geri Halliwell 试听:http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/2456753/



Hooked on a feeling–blue swede


再陪我看一次 播放 歌手:南拳妈妈 语言:国语 所属专辑:决斗巴哈 发行时间:2010-07-09


跑男中鹿晗和陈赫挑战蹦蹦床时的背景音乐为《It’s Raining Men》 歌名:It’s Raining Men 歌手:Geri Halliwell

视频:蹦床也可以这么玩! 飞一般的感觉 里面的背景音乐有人知道吗?

请用手机 或电脑 下载 猎曲奇兵 (SoundHound ) 可以自动判断 背景音乐 名称 和 歌手!希望对你有帮助~


第一轮 歌名:逍遥(伴奏) 歌手:霍建华 电视剧《笑傲江湖》主题曲 第二轮 第一首 歌名:醉拳 歌手:成龙 电影《醉拳2》主题曲 第二首 歌名:once upon a star 《那个傻瓜》ost 第三轮 歌名:万里长城永不倒 歌手:叶振棠 《大侠霍元甲》主题曲 第四,五轮 歌名:行け行けナルト 歌手:六三四 《火影忍者》ost 第六轮 第一首 歌名:世间始终你好 歌手:甄妮 & 罗文 83版《射雕英雄传》 第三部《射雕英雄传之华山论剑》主题曲 第二首 歌名:风 《黄真伊》ost


One Step At A Time(Main Version) – Jordin Sparks

hurry up and wait

so close, but so far away

everything that you’ve always dreamed of

close enough for you to taste

but you just can’t touch

you wanna show the world,

but no one knows your name yet

wonder when and where and how you’re gonna make it

you know you can if you get the chance

in your face as the door keeps slamming

now you’re feeling more and more frustrated

and you’re getting all kind of impatient waiting

we live and we learn to take

one step at a time

there’s no need to rush

it’s like learning to fly

or falling in love

it’s gonna happen and it’s

supposed to happen that we

find the reasons why

on step at a time

you believe and you doubt

you’re confused, you got it all figured out

everything that you wished for

could be yours, should be yours, would be yours

if they only knew

you wanna show the world,

but no one knows your name yet

wonder when and where and how you’re gonna make it

you know you can if you get the chance

in your face as the door keeps slamming

now you’re feeling more and more frustrated

and you’re getting all kind of impatient waiting

we live and we learn to take

one step at a time

there’s no need to rush

it’s like learning to fly

or falling in love

it’s gonna happen and it’s

supposed to happen that we

find the reasons why

on step at a time

when you can’t wait any longer

but there’s no end in sight

it’s the faith that makes you stronger

the only way you get there

is one step at a time

take one step at a time

there’s no need to rush

it’s like learning to fly

or falling in love

it’s gonna happen and it’s

supposed to happen that we

find the reasons why

on step at a time

one step at a time

there’s no need to rush

it’s like learning to fly

or falling in love

it’s gonna happen and it’s

supposed to happen that we

find the reasons why

on step at a time


Sofia Jannok – liekkas http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/CC2HICTk8Kg/


为何情人那么多 播放 歌手:张冬玲 语言:国语 所属专辑:我可以